We’d like to thank the WordPress and Genesis Framework communities in general for the freely available coding and design resources which have helped this site.
The ‘Child Theme’ used for this website is based on the Epik Theme by Wes Straham (@WesStraham) of Appfinite. However, we’ve modified it a fair bit, so if there’s anything you don’t like, blame us and not Wes.
WordPress is open source software, which means that there’s an enormous community world-wide of resources to help and inspire.
The Genesis Framework has its own community too; in particular we’d like to thank these people who regularly make code snippets available, some of which we’ve used in this website:
Brian Gardner (@bgardner) – founder of StudioPress and partner at Copyblogger Media
Nick Croft (@Nick_theGeek) – husband, father, youth pastor, geek, and Jesus freak
Bill Erickson (@BillErickson) – WordPress consultant and Genesis developer
Rafal Tomal (@RafalTomal) – Lead Designer at Copyblogger Media
Last, but by no means least: the inspiration for The Mustard Seed came from a talk by Rev. Neil Adams (@mrhedad), a Methodist minister currently at Wem, Shropshire, UK.